Every day is a blessing.

Earth, our sole home, a pale blue dot, maintains a fragile environmental balance within the vast void, of which we find ourselves the stewards. If we wish to preserve the clean air, water, and other cherish aspects of our world, we must thoughtfully address the pollution we have contributed, both historically and currently. We need to work diligently to mitigate it. We should promote the advancement of sustainable energy sources, such as the Sun, which has always fueled life on this planet. We need to better harness the planetary forces already at play—the tides, winds, et al.

We need to create consensus if we hope to have peace. We need to develop mechanisms to develop consensus and build on the consensus.

Regarding governance, voting legitimizes the very existence of our government. As such, election systems must be transparent and fair.

If a democratic government stands for any purpose, it is to push for the well-being of its citizens. A government should prioritize healthcare and education for its people to the best of its ability. Public Education is an investment in our future, into the competency of our fellow citizens, our children, neighbors, and friends.

If you work full-time hours, you should be making, at the very least, a living wage in the city you're employed.

Fellow Americans, our foreign policy ought to advocate for democracy while we safeguard and foster liberty across the globe. If we want to be a beacon of democracy on this planet, our actions must reflect our values.

Police and Politicians serve at the public's will. When they violate civil rights and liberties, they must be held accountable. Our police should, at the very least, not be above the law when they murder, use excessive force, or generally infringe on our rights. If any government employee abuses their granted authority, they should be stripped of their immunities and be open to prosecution.

We're sharing this rock with the universe's only known examples of life. Let's move forward together, with an eye for who we want to become, striving to be our better selves.

Let's "other" others less. Tribalism should be left in the past as we move beyond "us" versus "them" and strive to embrace our collective humanity.

Every day is a blessing.

Earth is the only place we have to live, and we need to take good care of it. If we want clean air and water, we have to stop making it dirty and use energy from the Sun to help keep our planet healthy

Voting is super important because it's how we choose who leads us. If we are going to have leaders, they should be good poeple. We have to make sure that voting is easy to understand and fair for everyone.

Our elected leaders should make sure everyone is healthy and can get a good education. This isn't just to help us now; it's like planting seeds for a better future for us all.

If you work a lot of hours, you should get paid enough money to live where you work.

America should help other countries be free and have good leaders. We should also make sure to act like the good example we want to set.

Police and leaders work for us, the people. If they do something wrong, they should get in trouble just like anyone else would.

Earth is special. Let's all work together to make the future better than the past!

Every day is a blessing.

As proud defenders of our traditions and values, we recognize the importance of preserving the blessings of our beautiful land for future generations. Our responsibility as stewards of the Earth calls us to act prudently and consider the impact of pollution on our natural resources. By embracing clean and sustainable energy sources, such as solar power, we ensure energy independence and national security while safeguarding the environment for our children and grandchildren.

Regarding governance, we understand that the foundation of our democracy lies in free, fair, and transparent elections. Our election systems must protect the integrity of our democratic process and uphold the will of the people.

We believe that the role of government is to empower individuals and foster self-reliance. Ensuring access to quality healthcare and education is crucial to achieving this goal. By investing in public education, we equip our fellow citizens, our children, and neighbors with the tools they need to prosper and contribute to our great nation.

As champions of hard work and self-sufficiency, we support the idea that full-time employment should provide a living wage, enabling individuals to meet their basic needs and contribute to their communities.

Fellow Americans, our foreign policy should reflect our commitment to democracy and liberty. As a shining example of democratic values, our actions on the global stage must promote freedom and protect the rights of those seeking it.

We firmly believe that those entrusted with authority, including police and politicians, should be held accountable for their actions. Upholding the rule of law and protecting civil rights are cornerstones of our great nation. Any abuse of power must be met with swift and just consequences.

Together, let's continue to safeguard the unique blessings of life on Earth and work towards a future that upholds the values and principles that make our nation exceptional.

Every day is a blessing.

As advocates for social justice and environmental responsibility, we understand the need to protect our planet, the only home we have, and its delicate balance of life. Addressing pollution and transitioning to clean, sustainable energy sources like solar power are essential steps to ensure a healthy and equitable future for all.

Regarding governance, we know that the legitimacy of our democracy depends on transparent, fair, and inclusive elections. Our election systems must guarantee every citizen's right to vote and ensure that their voices are heard.

A truly democratic government must prioritize the well-being of its people. Access to quality healthcare and education are fundamental rights that must be protected and promoted. By investing in public education, we empower our fellow citizens, children, and neighbors with the knowledge and skills to contribute to a just and inclusive society.

We believe that hard work should be rewarded with fair compensation. No one working full-time should struggle to make ends meet. A living wage is a necessary step towards economic justice and the dignity of every worker.

Fellow Americans, our foreign policy must reflect our commitment to democracy, human rights, and global cooperation. As a beacon of hope and progress, we must use our influence to promote freedom and protect the rights of oppressed people worldwide.

We demand accountability and transparency from those in positions of power, including police and politicians. Upholding civil rights and liberties is paramount in our pursuit of a more just society. Any abuse of authority must be met with appropriate consequences, ensuring that no one is above the law.

Together, let's work towards a brighter future that embraces our shared values of justice, equality, and environmental stewardship. Let us continue to strive for a world where we can all flourish and live in harmony with our planet.

Every day is a blessing.

As champions of individual liberty and free markets, we understand the importance of preserving our planet, the only home we have, for ourselves and future generations. We recognize that pollution can infringe on property rights and harm our natural resources. By supporting clean, sustainable energy sources like solar power, we can foster market-driven innovation and expand energy choice for consumers.

Regarding governance, we believe in the sanctity of individual rights and the democratic process. Our election systems must be transparent and fair to ensure that our government remains accountable to the people it serves.

We hold that the role of government is to protect individual liberty and foster an environment in which people can thrive. Quality healthcare and education are essential for personal growth and self-reliance. By empowering individuals with knowledge and access to healthcare, we create a society in which each person can pursue their own path to success.

We believe that the free market, when allowed to operate with minimal government intervention, can create opportunities for workers to negotiate fair compensation based on their skills and the value they bring to their employers. This process should ideally enable those working full-time to earn a living wage in the city where they are employed.

Fellow Americans, our foreign policy should prioritize non-intervention and peaceful diplomacy. As a nation that values individual freedom, we must respect the sovereignty of other nations and promote peaceful cooperation on the global stage.

We demand that those in positions of authority, including police and politicians, be held accountable for their actions. Upholding civil rights and liberties is essential for preserving individual freedom. Any abuse of power must be met with appropriate consequences, ensuring that no one is above the law.

Together, let's work towards a future where individual liberty, personal autonomy, and free-market principles guide our actions and shape our society, while remaining mindful of our shared responsibility to protect our planet for generations to come.

Heart People. Copyright © 2023 ConsciousCreatures

U.S. Politics
Do you know who represents YOU at the Federal, State, and Local level?

The United States currently has a two-party system. The current parties' positions have shifted over time, but this is about where they stand now:

The Democratic Party too often dragging its feet, and after years of work by progressive activists. The Republican Party President Joe Biden

Talk To Your Friends
Stay Informed

Presidential Pardon Wishlist - Obama's clemency initiative was a move in the right direction. It should be re-established as a final line of justice for those whom the greater system has failed.

Local/City Government Wishlist

Secession Policy

News Sources
There are lots of great, trustworthy news sources that operate in good faith in their attempt to show the truth as clearly as possible. Here are a few I recommend having in your periphery as you explore the world.

A national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez.

France 24
A French perspective to global affairs broadcasting 24/7 to 250 million homes worldwide in French, Arabic and English. They provide a comprehensive update on the latest international news.

The Intercept
Covers national security, politics, civil liberties, the environment, international affairs, technology, criminal justice, the media, and more. The Intercept gives its journalists the editorial freedom and legal support they need to pursue investigations that expose corruption and injustice wherever they find it and hold the powerful accountable.

All Welcome Sign, green All Welcome Sign, yellow by Lisa Mangum and Jason Leivian